Rule Timing, Conditions, and Actions


This article explains how the individual components of the rule creation process work. Before getting started here, it may be helpful to review how rules work. You can also review a rule creation tutorial.

Rule Timing

First Rule When: these settings determine whether a rule is triggered when a support request is received, or when a support request is changed (receives a comment from an agent, is resolved, etc.).

  • Select On Reception if you want to apply this rule to incoming support requests. You can further customize this rule by choosing Every Email Received to apply the rule to all incoming messages related to this request, or First Email Received to apply this rule to only the first message received.
  • Select On Application Change if you want to apply this rule when an agent changes an existing support ticket.


These settings determine what conditions must be met in order for the rule to trigger.

Use the Match Any option if you want the rule to be triggered if any of the conditions you enter are met, or select Match All option if all of the conditions must be met.

  • Select Condition: choose a condition to look for in support messages. Available options include From Email, To Email, CC Address, Subject, or Body.
  • Logic: what kind of logic is used when determining if the rule should be changed. Options include Is, Is Not, Contains, Does Not Contain, Starts With, and Ends With.
  • Content: the specific content that the rule is looking for, like an email domain address, words in the subject line or body like ‘outage’ or ‘billing’, or which email address the support ticket was sent to.


This section specifies what the rule will do once its conditions have been met. The first dropdown menu is used to select what kind of action to perform, and the second dropdown menu is used to further specify the details of that action.

  • Select Action: choose to select what kind of action to perform. Options include Set Category To, Set Status To, Set Owner To, and more.
  • Select Detail Option: select which category, status, queue, notify date, owner, or watchlist to use. The options available change depending on which action was selected.
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